3rd Party & 1st Party Blocking

  • Updated

The Osano CMP blocks scripts and cookies from loading until they have been approved by your Osano administrators. This includes both 1st and 3rd party cookies and scripts. 

  • 1st Party Cookies: First-party cookies refer to cookies that are created or set by the domain that a user is visiting. 
  • 3rd Party Cookies: Third-party cookies refer to cookies that are created or set by domains other than the domain you are currently visiting

Once identified, scripts are assigned into categories by administrators that match the groupings of consents provided to end-users (Essential, Analytics, Marketing, Personalization).

When a new script attempts to load, whether it's a 1st or 3rd party, Osano blocks the execution of the script until the consent has been granted by the visitor for the matching category. Unidentified scripts will show up as "Uncategorized" in your CMP portal. Depending on what "Compliance Mode" you are operating in, admins will be notified to new uncategorized scripts and they will be blocked (Strict - Recommended) or allowed (Permissive )

We recommend you initially install the CMP in the "Listener" mode. In "Listener" mode, no dialogs are displayed and no blocking occurs, but the script records all scripts called so that you can categorize them appropriately. 

Once you have categorized all scripts, switch the Compliance Mode to Strict, save any changes made, and Publish.