Sweeney Release
Osano names each product release after famous contributors in the world of privacy. Our team selected privacy researcher Latanya Sweeney, a professor at Harvard University's Data Privacy Lab, for this release. Learn more about Prof. Sweeney and why we chose her HERE.
Though you may not see significant changes on the front end, this release includes many back-end, under-the-hood changes and enhancements. These enhancements have been put in place to increase the performance, integrity, and security of the Osano application and connected features.
Here's what's new for this Sweeney update on November 15th, 2020:
New Features
- Role-Based Access Controls
- New User Roles with more granular access controls.
- Introduced Organizations - Organizations provide further granularity controls.
- Add Organizations to Users to restrict access.
- Add Organizations to Consent Manager Configurations to restrict access.
- Add Organizations to DSAR Forms and Workflows to restrict access.
Summary Of Organizations
If you are not planning on using organizations, you can skip this section.
- Organizations are an optional feature that will affect your use of the Osano application. The following will only apply to those planning to use Organizations.
- If you want to limit which consent configurations a user can see, create organizations, and assign those organizations to the corresponding configurations and consent managers/viewers.
- NOTE: Consent Manager Configurations with no organizations are accessible to all users with the correct role(s).
- If you want to limit which DSAR Forms and Submissions a user can see, create organizations, and assign those organizations to the corresponding DSAR Forms and Data Request Manager(s).
- NOTE: Forms with no organizations are accessible to all users with the correct role(s).
- NOTE: Data Sources, Data Elements, and Datasource Action Items do not belong to individual organizations. If a Datasource Owner is a part of an organization, they will still see ALL Datasources and Data Elements.
- If you want to limit which consent configurations a user can see, create organizations, and assign those organizations to the corresponding configurations and consent managers/viewers.
- Consent Manager Enhancements
- CMP Versioning is now ordered from the most recent version to the oldest version.
- CMP Versioning check now requires users to type the version number before reverting.
- DSAR Enhancements
- Country Selector
- Countries can now be hidden from the dropdown list of countries on DSAR forms to isolate specific areas to support.
- State / Province / Territory Selector
- If applicable, State / Province / Territory can now be hidden from the dropdown list on DSAR forms to isolate specific areas to support.
- Optional Date of Birth Form Field with Date Picker Functionality.
- Misc. Enhancements
- Various enhancements to the multi-select functionality and usability.
Bug Fixes
- DSAR form support for IE11.
- Username, First Name, and Last Name character limits decreased.
- Google Tag Manager TrustedScriptURL support.
- External user data recording.