Missing consent banner

  • Updated


If you have already generated the osano.js and placed it in the <head> of your website but do not see the consent banner on your site, it is likely that your script is in "Listener Mode." This is the default compliance mode when you first publish a configuration. 

Screenshot 2023-01-18 at 11.12.40 AM

When your script is in Listener mode, only monitoring occurs. 

To see the dialog on your site, you'll need to change to "Strict" or "Permissive" mode and publish that out. PLEASE BE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STRICT AND PERMISSIVE MODE BEFORE PUBLISHING! 


Compliance Mode Definitions

  • Listener Mode 
    • Osano will gather script and cookie information for categorization, but the consent banner will not appear on your webpage, and no blocking will occur.
  • Permissive Mode
    • The consent banner will appear on your website, and all managed scripts/cookies will execute as expected. HOWEVER, all uncategorized scripts/cookies will be identified and allowed regardless of consent given.
  • Strict Mode 
    • The consent banner will appear on your website, and all managed scripts/cookies will execute as expected. HOWEVER, all uncategorized scripts/cookies will be identified and BLOCKED. (Most Compliant)

Note you'll need to have at least ONE script/script rule classified before you can change modes. We recommend not publishing into permissive or strict mode until you have the majority of your scripts/cookies classified.

To read more about classifying scripts and cookies, see "Classification Categories" and "Classification Rules".