Unified DSAR and discovery migration guide

  • Updated

We recently completed a rework of Subject Rights Management and Data Discovery by unifying them into a singular seamless experience with more automation. While the new experience will be simpler and more efficient for you, it is different. Some items have moved around, and you’ll find them in different places in the app. The workflow has been updated, so you’ll take different steps to process a DSAR. This guide outlines the differences between the functionality before and after the rework. 

Go to Display Changes

Go to Workflow Updates (including migration prep)



New Subject Rights display

My Action Items: This process remains unchanged. Here you will find all requests that are assigned to you as the owner of a Data Store. 

Requests: This process remains unchanged. Here account admins will see all requests that have come through for your account. 

Forms: This process remains unchanged. Here you will create and manage DSAR forms for your account.

Datasources and Data Elements are no longer found within the Subject Rights dropdown menu. 

The information that was previously found here can now be found in Data Stores under the Data Discovery dropdown menu. Osano will have migrated this data automatically. Visit Data Stores for more details. 

New Data Discovery display


Data Stores: Here, you will find a listing of all connected Data Stores. Datasources are now considered Data Stores. 

People Search: This process remains unchanged. Here administrators can search for user data against connected Data Stores.

API Keys: Here, you will find your Osano API keys for any external connections.


Data Stores

All Datasources can now be found in the Data Stores section under Data Discovery. 

These will be denoted as “custom” data stores. Custom data stores are those that are manually entered and not connected to the underlying application via an API connection. Read more in the Data Store docs. 


Data Store details

All Datasource owner(s) previously assigned will be listed as the “Data Store Owner” or “Assignees” in the Data Store details. 

Note: In areas with multiple “Assignees”, ensure the Data Store Owner is the correct individual. The Data Store Owner is the primary contact for this store. Assignees are additional contacts for this store. 

All Datasource descriptions will be listed in the descriptions field in the Data Store settings.

Each Data Store will allow you to add additional details such as a nickname and description. These are not required but can be filled out if desired. 


Data Store fields

All Data Elements previously assigned will be listed in the “Fields” section of the Data Store details. Read more in the Data Store docs.  

Each field will have a Name that is the same as the name of the previous data element. 

Each field will allow you to add additional details such as classification, location, and notes. These are not required but should be filled out to simplify workflows. 


Field Classification

Custom Data Stores that have been created from previously entered Datasources will only contain a “Field Name.” Field Names are created based on the old Data Elements associated with that system. To fully utilize Osano’s task assignment automation, classifications will need to be added for each field. 

These fields can be edited and a classification assigned based on the legal categorizations of types of personal information. Once a classification has been selected, you will see the option to assign/modify recommended actions applied to this field for each subject rights request type (Correction, Deletion, Do Not Sell or Share to a 3rd Party, etc.). 

The recommended action selected for each request type is responsible for determining the kind of action items generated for Datastore Owners assigned to this data store. 

Once all fields have been added, your manual data store is ready to generate action items.


Workflow updates and migration steps

As mentioned previously, this product update focuses on uniting the Subject Rights Management and Data Discovery products. The two products now work together to simplify the process flow when new requests are submitted. A few changes have been made to your overall workflow to facilitate this improved automation. 


#1 Datasources and Data Elements become Data Stores

What Osano did 

All Datasources, Data Elements, and Data Providers (Disco)  have been aggregated into a single category known as Data Stores. Data Stores can be found under the Data Discovery menu. 

The transferred Datasources will be transitioned to custom Data Store connections, and all relevant Data Elements will be stored in that Store’s details. 

Any transferred Data Providers will be transitioned to automated Data Store connections. 

What do I need to do?

No additional action needs to be taken.

Optionally, if, after the transfer has occurred, you have duplicate Data Stores, i.e., one custom and one automated, we recommend ensuring the automated Data Store is updated with the appropriate owners and assignees. This allows you to take advantage of the new automated workflows. 

Once complete, the redundant custom Data Store can be deleted.

#2 New Required Form Field

What Osano did 

With this new update, Osano has made the field  “Request Type” a required field for every DSAR form. 

What do I need to do?

No updates are required if you are using the standard “Request Type” field with no modifications.

Optionally, you can remove options of the request types to better suit your needs. Without these request types, Osano will not be able to automatically assign Data Stores to requests as they are received. This requires your forms have the Request Type field.  

If you have removed the “Request Type” field, Osano will add that field to your form. 

If you’ve edited the labels of the options or deleted options, these changes will be migrated. If you have made additional modifications to the Request Type, please reach out to support for additional assistance. 

#3 Automated User Search of Automated data stores for the requestor’s user information

What Osano did 

With this new update, Osano will automatically perform a user search against all automated data stores using the email, first name, and last name of the requestor. Once the scan completes, you will see a notice of if the information was found in that system or not. 

This will only occur if you have automated data stores connected. Custom data stores cannot be searched against. 

What do I need to do?

No additional action needs to be taken. 

Optionally, you may replace your custom data stores with automated data stores if Osano supports these integrations to take further advantage of this automation. 

#4 Automated Assignment of tasks to Data Store owners and assignees

What Osano did 

With this new update, Osano will automatically assign data stores to requests based on the request type. This removes the necessity of the Data Subject Manager manually assigning tasks to owners for each request. Auto-assignment requires all data fields to be classified within your Data Stores. 

What do I need to do?

Osano will have migrated all of your Datasources and Data Elements into your Data Stores. To take full advantage of Osano’s automation, the fields in these Data Stores should be classified into the appropriate categories so that automatic assignment can function properly. 

Moving forward, Data Rights managers will no longer need to manually assign tasks to Datasource owners when requests come in. These will be automatically assigned and alerted based on the request type.



if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please reach out to your account manager and they can help you get your account migrated cleanly.