Osano and the IAB Global Privacy Platform

  • Updated

This is a Premier Only feature. 


What is GPP?

In order to support vendors, publishers, and advertisers in meeting the updated requirements of the Interactive Advertising Bureau, or IAB, Osano has added support for the IAB's Global Privacy Platform framework. 

"The Global Privacy Platform (GPP) is part of a portfolio of solutions developed by IAB Tech Lab, as part of the Project Rearc initiative, to help the industry solve for the challenges that come with the need to address differing and evolving privacy regulations worldwide. The GPP is a protocol designed to streamline the transmission of privacy, consent, and consumer choice signals from sites and apps to ad tech providers; it enables advertisers, publishers and technology vendors in the digital advertising industry to adapt to regulatory demands across markets." 

-IAB Tech Lab


Osano's IAB GPP Supported Sections

Within the Global Privacy Platform, there are currently 10 different jurisdiction related sections that are available for implementation. Within each section, the consent string is created per the individual specification of that section. As more jurisdictions adopt privacy regulations, it is likely that more sections will be added to the GPP framework.

The table below outlines each section in the GPP specifications and whether it is currently supported within the Osano CMP's GPP implementation.

Section ID Client-side API Prefix Description Osano Support in GPP
1 tcfeuv1 EU TCF v1 section (deprecated) Not Supported
2 tcfeuv2 EU TCF v2 section (current version) Supported
3   GPP Header section (REQUIRED) --
4 -- GPP signal integrity section --
5 tcfca Canadian TCF section Supported
6 uspv1 USPrivacy String (Unencoded Format) Supported
7 usnat US - National section Not yet supported
8 usca US - California section Not yet supported
9 usva US - Virginia section Not yet supported
10 usco US - Colorado section Not yet supported
11 usut US - Utah section Not yet supported
12 usct US - Connecticut section Not yet supported


Osano's IAB GPP Implementation

Enabling the IAB GPP framework within Osano is straightforward. To start, flip the “IAB GPP & EU TCF 2.0 Frameworks” switch in the “Settings” of your consent manager configuration. 

Screenshot 2023-04-10 at 5.28.06 PM

Once enabled, go to the new IAB tab and use the search field to find and select any IAB vendors you work with. This action is required to enable the proper creation of the IAB TCF 2.0 and IAB Canada strings.

Once you “Save” and “Publish” these changes, customers that access your site from applicable regions (Regions that fall under the jurisdiction of GDPR or Canada) will automatically receive the TCF, Consent Manager. 

Once set, Osano will automatically signal consent to any included vendor using the IAB framework on your website.


IAB Vendor Communication

Osano CMP exposes the standard IAB GPP CMP API specifications.

This means that vendors can read out the user's consent state from the gppData object and string.

Here is an example request using the Global Privacy Platform API specification:

__gpp('getGPPData', (gppData, success) => { if(success) { console.log(gppData) }});

Example Response:

{sectionId: 3, gppVersion: 1, sectionList: Array(2), applicableSections: Array(1), gppString: 'DBACNY~CPqG40APqG40AEXABAENC7CwAP_AAH_AACiQHQoB4Cp…AAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAUAAAABASAAAESEEEAAAIAQAA~1YNY', …}