Creating and assigning
- Navigate to the Assessments menu item.
- Select the green + button to create a new assessment.
- Provide a name and optionally a description for the assessment.
- Select the Vendor Security template.
- Select “Create Assessment”.
- Select the green + button to create a new assignment within the assessment.
- Add an assessment name.
- This name will be visible to the assignees.
- Add an assignee.
- This can be any email address, for example, the contact at the vendor you want to fill out the assessment.
- You can assign assessment questionnaires to multiple people.
- Select “Create Assignment”.
- You may create multiple assignments.
- The assignee will then be able to access their assignments to complete.
Closing the assessment
Assessment managers and admins may close an assessment once all the necessary assignments have been completed.
- Once all the assessments you want to collect have been completed, click the “Complete” button
- You will be able to review all the assignments that have been completed
- Click “Close Assessment”
- You will then be given the opportunity to print and review the assignment responses
- In your assessments tables, you also have the ability to download the assessment as a CSV