At no additional cost, you may view basic information about each case in the Osano application. This generally includes information about the dates of filing, the status of the case, the nature of the case, the courts, attorneys, and parties involved in the case.
If you wish to explore a case further, click the "Download Documents" button for that case. Some documents are available at no cost, others are available for a one-time fee. For documents available for a fee, those prices generally range from $5.00 to $20.00.
Processing documents for U.S. Federal courts is usually complete in a few minutes. Certain state courts have longer processing times. When your document is available for download, you will receive an email notification.
Once you have purchased access to a document, you may download the files to your computer. In the application, you and all other users on your account will retain access to that document for the life of your subscription to Osano.