July 2021 Release Notes

  • Updated

Note: Any Consent Manager (CMP) changes will be inherited by consent manager configurations AFTER they are republished.


  • Cookie Length Enhancement: Addressed a situation where Cookie keys could cause the string length to surpass the cookie limit, which causes certain cookies not to be set. 
  • Added path lookup matching for quick classification of iframes and script-src dependency updates. 
  • CMP Language Enhancements (Various) - See all supported languages.
  • Added an enhancement that allows requestAnimationFrame to run in hidden windows on Chromium browsers.
  • CMP API Enhancements - Select new calls added and enhancements to current calls. See Developer Documentation for additional details. 


Bug Fixes


    • Fixed an issue where UI fields within the B2B web application (my.osano.com) would occasionally erase or undo previous UI updates. This issue was most evident when making updates to a consent configurations classification UI.
    • Fixed an issue in the B2B web application (my.osano.com) where a user could not update a consent configuration in the web app UI unless they refreshed the page.
    • Fixed an issue where adding custom optional email fields to a DSAR form would block the form from being submitted.
    • IAB TCF 2.0 Purpose Consent Enhancement: new logic for vendor purpose consent and updated vendor-list file to IAB framework testing.
    • IE11 EventTarget fix for legacy browser support: IE 11 no longer supports EventTarget. A fix has been put in place to utilize Node.prototype when EventTarget.prototype does not exist.