Getting started with custom assessment templates

  • Updated

Custom assessment templates allow you to create a privacy assessment using your own template and assign it to respondents using the Osano workflow.


To start using custom assessment templates, first create a new template.


  1. Navigate to the "Templates" menu item under Assessments.
  2. Click “Add Template.
  3. Select "Enter your questions and answers."
    • To upload a CSV template, follow the instructions here.
  4. When your new template opens, give it a title.
  5. Templates can be organized by sections. Each template should have at least one section
    • In the assessment workflow, each section appears on its own page to make navigation easier.
  6. You should next add the name of your first section.
  7. Once your section is named, you can add questions.
  8. Enter the question text.
  9. Enter helper text, including examples, instructions, or other information to help respondents better understand and answer the question.
  10. Select an answer type based on what options you want to present to respondents.
  11. The answer types are
    • Checkboxes that provide the respondent with a multiple-choice option where more than one answer may be selected.
    • Date which provides the respondent with a calendar to enter a date.
    • Dropdown which provides the respondent with a multiple-choice option where only one answer may be selected. It is similar to radio buttons but works better for longer lists.
    • Evidence upload provides the respondent with the ability to upload a file as documentation for an answer.
    • Radio buttons which provide the respondent with a multiple-choice option where only one answer may be selected. It is similar to dropdown but works better for shorter lists.
    • Text input which will provide respondents with a field to add plain text.
    • You can optionally assign risk levels to your multiple-choice (checkbox, dropdown, or radio button) questions.
      • You may select to make an answer low-, medium-, or high-risk.
        • You may use any combination of these risk levels for some or all of the answers.
      • When an assessment using that template is created, you will be given the risk totals during the review.
  12. Select whether the question is required or not.
    • If a question is required, respondents must answer it before submitting the assessment. Required questions are calculated in the progress bar assignees see.
  13. Once all sections and questions have been created, you may preview the assessment by clicking the “Preview” button.
    • The preview shows the assessment as an assignee would see it. It can be interacted with, but answers will not be retained.
  14. If the preview looks correct, you may publish the template. This makes it available to be assigned.
  15. To assign an assessment with a custom template, navigate to the Assessments menu item.
  16. Click the purple + to begin a new assessment.
  17. Name the assessment.
  18. From the “Template” dropdown, select “One of My Custom Templates.
  19. In the “My Templates” menu, select the correct template.
  20. From there, you can create assignments as you would with an Osano template.