Assessment Reporting (Beta)

  • Updated


In order to help you better understand the effectiveness and efficiency of your assessments program, Osano offers reporting on key metrics related to your use of Osano Assessments.


Spotlight metrics

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Spotlight metrics highlight need-to-know information to help you prioritize your assessments efforts.


For Assessment Reporting the following spotlight metrics are available:

Overdue Assignments. This is the number of unsubmitted assignments past their due dates.

Assignments Due Within 14 Days. This shows the number of assignments due in the next 14 days.

Assessments Awaiting Review.  This displays the number of assessments with all assignments completed that are waiting to be reviewed.

Open Assignments. This chart shows the number of assignments in a status other than complete.

Upcoming Assignments. This is the number of assignments that will recur in the next 30 days through the Assessment Cadence functionality.


Note: Spotlight metrics present all-time data and are not affected by the filters.


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Severity of Risk. This widget provides a view of all answers that have been given a risk level. It breaks down the answers by number of high-, medium-, or low-risk responses across time.



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Assignment by Status. This widget shows the statuses of all assignments within the criteria of the selected filters. The statuses are

  • Not started. The assignee has not answered any questions.
  • In progress. The assignee has saved at least one answer but has not completed the assignment.
  • Complete. The assignment has been finalized by the assignee.
  • Overdue. The assignment is not complete and is past its due date.


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Privacy Scores of Vendors Assessed. This chart gives you the breakdown of privacy scores for the vendors linked to your assessments. If you license the Vendor Privacy Risk Management module, your managed vendors can be linked to a DPIA or any custom assessment. Vendor scores are categorized as follows:

  • Low. The number of vendors with scores of 25 or less.
  • Medium. The number of vendors with scores between 26 and 75.
  • High. The number of vendors with scores greater than 75.


Assignees. This chart allows you to see the workload for your assignees and to understand how each is completing their assignments whether on time or late. For each assignee you can see the number of assignments in the following statuses:

  • Open. This is the number of assignments that have not been finalized.
  • Overdue. The number of assignments that are not complete and are past their due date.
  • Completed on Time. The number of assignments the assignee completed before their due date.
  • Completed Late. The number of assignments the assignee completed after their due date.


Templates. This widget provides information about the assignments created from each template, including both custom and Osano-created standard templates. For each template that meets the filter criteria, you can see the following data:

  • Number of Assignments. This is the total number of assignments created from the template.
  • Number of Questions. This is the total number of questions in the template.
  • Number of Auto-Answers. This is the number of questions with an auto-answer.
  • Linked Assets. This is the number of assets linked to an assignment of this template.
  • Average Time to Completion. This is the number of days on average assignees are taking to complete their assignments of an assessment created from that template.
  • Not available indicates a type of answer that is not set up in that template.


Filtering the reports.

The widgets can be filtered by date range and template. Filters affect the charts below them; they do not affect the spotlight metrics that are intended to be all-time stats.


Date range filter. The date range filter defaults to the last six months. You can adjust it to your desired date range by clicking on it then selected a beginning and end date.


Assessment Template filter. You can also filter by templates, including both Osano-provided standard templates or your custom templates. The template filter allows for multiselect.

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