Step 1: Add Link to Cookie Consent Configuration
Navigate to the 'Configurations' page within the Cookie Consent section of the left-hand navigation panel and click on an existing configuration to open it:
Click the '+ Add Link' button within the Settings tab.
Step 2: Select Subject Rights Request Link
Select the 'Subject Rights Request' option within the dropdown:
Step 3: Choose a Subject Rights Form
Chose the subject rights form you'd like to add to the configuration's drawer:
Once added, you can preview how the link to the selected form will appear wihin the Customization tab:
Step 4: Save Changes, and Publish
When you're ready, click 'Save Changes' at the top of the page to save adding this new link to this configuration's banner, and then click 'Publish' to publish these changes to your website.
Note: The Subject Rights Request links will only display in the Preference Drawer.
For additional DSAR request intake options click here.
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